
A Symphony Orchestra Is A Challenging Enterprise!

It may surprise you to know that ticket sales cover less than 25% of the expenses of the PSO. The success of our orchestra depends on the additional support of individuals and businesses who want to give back to the community and make a difference in the lives of others.

So the PSO welcomes the generous support and comments from patrons like you who appreciate the programs we present. We appreciate assistance with our many expenses like printing, advertising, office expenses, space rent, music rental and purchase, hiring guest soloists, etc. And, of course, your donation is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please think of us when discussing planned giving with your financial advisor.

Support the PSO


Or mail a check to:

Penfield Symphony Orchestra
1587 Jackson Road
Penfield, New York 14526

Create a Legacy with Planned Giving

The Penfield Symphony Orchestra seeks to enrich the cultural life of the citizens of Penfield and surrounding communities through the presentation of live orchestral concerts close to home. Community reaction to our concerts is summed up in one audience comment: “The PSO is a hidden gem!” By simply being here, you recognize the vital role live musical performance plays to enhance and enrich the life of our community, but everyone knows that ticket prices do not cover the ongoing costs of creating musical experiences. Did you know that ticket sales typically cover only approximately 25% of our operating costs? Few people truly know how important it is to provide the additional financial support needed for the cultural gems that we all appreciate. The PSO is fortunate to benefit from carefully invested endowment gifts to assist the long-term financial stability of the Orchestra. Your contributions are vital to increase the size of our endowment funds. To allow us to continue to present the high-caliber events you expect, please consider making a tax-deductible gift.

Your Legacy Tomorrow
To sustain the PSO and ensure the music plays on for future generations, choose to make a gift to the Endowment Fund of the PSO.

Planned Giving/Gifts in Your Will
A gift to the PSO in your will is a tax-effective way to be part of the Penfield Symphony Orchestra’s success. Consider the value of making a gift under will that helps grow the Penfield Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund and creates a fitting legacy in your name. You will want to speak with your financial advisor, estate planner, or attorney to understand how various giving opportunities match your goals.

Honorary or memorial bequest:
This gift is made “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone you hold dear. There are various ways to pay tribute to a loved one and receive tax benefits for your kindness.

Qualified Charitable Distributions:
If you are over 70 ½ years old, you can make a contribution directly from your IRA account. A contribution made in this manner is excluded from taxable income.

Investment assets:
When you donate stocks or other securities, the PSO can put the current value of these assets to work right away, and you can take a charitable deduction for the full value.

Your financial advisor or estate planner will help you choose a gift that is tailored to your unique requirements.

Support the PSO


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October 14-15, 2024

Clarinet 2
Assistant Principal-Utility Horn

Audition Time and Location will be provided to selected applicants.